@punkofnice Lol. Trust me, it's the furthest thing from Candy Land.
Okay, enough derailing of @poopie's serious thread.
i will use the teachings of watchtower to refute there own shunning rules.
@punkofnice Lol. Trust me, it's the furthest thing from Candy Land.
Okay, enough derailing of @poopie's serious thread.
i will use the teachings of watchtower to refute there own shunning rules.
@punkofnice I'm sitting in my sh*tty popcorn ceiling apartment right now like this:
You fuel my keyboard warrior status, Punk.
@poopie This clip might be of interest for your research:
@punkofnice If we're talkin' about Frankie, we've been roasting the wrong GB member this whole time.
i will use the teachings of watchtower to refute there own shunning rules.
Here's a copy of an email I sent my parents a few months ago after my mother went on a rant about how disfellowshipping is STRAIGHT from the Bible. I never got a reply:
@punkofnice "Why is his mouth like that?" Well, if he's anything like Sanderson, it's because he was hungry.
"Brothers, the New World is so close, you can almost taste it. Stay alive, 'til..." ad finitum.
2017 and the world is probably more advanced than ever before.
prices are high for homes, food and comfort.
wars seem to rage everywhere!.
The Body Shop on Sunset Strip, circa 1984. Zoom in hard enough and you'll see my aura floating around Van Halen.
As a former blonde, I used to walk around in high school thinking I was Bobbie Brown out of that Warrant video clip, Cherry Pie. And this was in the 2000s.
this video is amazing!.
as we know, jw public talks often start at length with doom and gloom about how "bad the world is" and how things are going from bad to worse each year.... so, this is a great talk that really helps put things into perspective.. please do yourself a favour and watch it!.
These 30 minutes were gold for me. In perfect time, too, since the day after I watched this I came face-to-face with WT's latest "IS THE WORLD OUT OF CONTROL" propaganda piece. If my eyes weren't open for data/stats like the ones discussed in this video, I would still be trapped in that depressing WT echo chamber of feeling like we're in the cataclysmic "last days".
the meeting this week is mind-blowing in the way it fuels the crippling "persecution complex" of witnesses!.
paragraph 1 set the theme with this gem:.
does it shock you that you can expect to face many tribulations before you gain the prize of everlasting life?
Ja, I saw that article at my parents' house, @stuckinarut2. Even though I'm "out", seeing that article gave me the same depressed, sinking feeling I always had as a Witness. Just utter despair and fear. "OUR HEALTH UNDER SIEGE", "HUMAN ATTACKS ON NATURE", and "NATURE'S ATTACK ON HUMANS" were just some of the liberating and refreshing subheadings.
So I marched right over to my father's PC and promptly opened up this page and minimized it for him to discover on his own after I'd left, along with this picture:
@Cimarrona Hope it was as good for you as it was for me ;).